Agnieszka Brzeżańska
born 1972
Agnieszka Brzeżańska works in various media: from painting, photography, and ceramics, to video. Her starting point is reality registered in forms as diverse as ultrasound images of parasites of the gastrointestinal tract, photographs of explosions occurring on the surface of the sun, or frames from Japanese horrors. She also uses various branches of knowledge such as physics, ecology, and philosophy, but also alchemy, parapsychology, esotericism, indigenous knowledge or matriarchal traditions. Her works oscillate around the theme of catastrophes, the end of the world and apocalyptic visions, but also the presence of religion and mysticism in everyday life. In her creative process, fragments of various phenomena are transformed and become a personal story about the flows of information that surround her. The diptych presented at the exhibition was created alongside a series of ceramics for the exhibition ‘Home Ground’, ultimately, however, it was not shown there. In it, Brzeżańska confronts the notion of female nude as an abstract form.